
Loan Rates

Loan TypeAPR
New and Used VehiclesAs low as 6.24%
Recreational loansAs low as 8.24%
Superior loansAs low as 9.99%
Signature loansAs low as 13.99%
Home Equity loansAs low as 7.99%
Share Secured loansAs low as 7.74%
Overdraft Line of CreditAs low as 16%

*Interest rate is determined by the primary applicant’s credit score. Certain restrictions apply

Savings Rates

Share AccountAPRAPY
Share Savings Rate0.10%0.10%
6 month Certificate of Deposit (Minimum $1,000.00)0.15%0.15%
12 month Certificate of Deposit (Minimum $1,000.00)0.25%0.25%

APR = Annual Percentage Rate. APY = Annual Percentage Yield